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My Boycott of NBC

Phil Donahue Comes to MSNBC
Weeknights at 8pm ET
How Phil Donahue is being used: Will he sell out?


7/21/2002 - Like most people, I,  too was thrilled to see Donahue on the air again.  I had actually been stumped as to why he had not surfaced somewhere, given the events for the last couple of years.

Regardless, I'm glad he's back on the air. And, even CNN is running commercials for his show.

However. Now we're going to talk a little about how broadcasters keep you tuned in, because, that's very much what it's about.  Keeping your tv on their channel.

Ask yourself this:  Why are late night talk shows, Leno, Letterman... so important to a network?  You probably think it's just for good programming, and the ability to sell advertising.  That's only part of the story.

Late night tv was originally promoted, or positioned, so that when you went to sleep at night, the tv would still be tuned to their channel.  The likelihood is, when you wake up the next morning, you'll turn on the tv at some point, and voila, their channel is on.  And, if they're doing their job, they'll be playing something that will cause you to continue watching.  This is a universal practice, not at all exclusive to NBC.

Why does CNN show Aaron Brown in their late night programming?  Because Aaron Brown is extremely well known on the west coast, and has a reputation for having an incredible work ethic, does great preparation, and talks to people - he doesn't just read a script.  And so, we in the Pacific Northwest love to watch him.  He used to be the anchorman at King-5 in Seattle. When people on the west coast wake up again, they'll be watching Talback Live... a very appealing program to female demographics - AKA house wives.

So, you may ask, what does that have to do with a program that airs at 8pm?

Simple.  Whatever audience Phil generates for MSNBC will give the following program a huge boost in its ratings.  That's all there is to it.

The question, will Phil Donahue sell out?, is based on the possibility of subtle programming alterations.  Phil will never lie to you (I hope).  But he might tone it down, say things that don't get you so riled up, cause you to become pacified instead of activated and involved in politics.  I hope Phil won't acquiesce to the kinds of pressures that require that kind of response to network executives.   I hope not.

You  may want to read the rest of this page, because it talks about other reasons I encourage you to watch Phil Donahue. 

But if you're interested in what Chris Matthews program has done to take advantage of all these new viewers left over from the Donahue show, click here, and I'll tell you about a publicity stunt that MSNBC and Fox recently staged.

Feel free to continue

Update 7/15/2002 -  Excellent show.  I can breathe again.  Pat was good too. Phil Donahue is a Patriot, and New Patriot.. always has been... sure would like to take a few rounds with that author of the "Slander Book"... that'll be a great show... sometime later this week.. they didn't say when because they want you to watch. That's cool.


You might think it's strange, we're asking you to work with us on a boycott, but celebrating the return of Phil Donahue.  Even recommending that you watch it.   Isn't that a contradiction?

Not at all.  I welcome it.  I'll tell you why.

Donahue's return to tv on MSNBC was announced months ago. I thought, how can I boycott a station that has Phil Donahue on it?  He is for many of us middle-aged set an icon of free speech and power to the people...

If Donahue is true to form, then it's likely he saw an opportunity to make a difference on America's Propaganda Channel.  Let's hope he hasn't sold out like most broadcast journalists. We'll be keeping track. Meanwhile...

I urge you to watch his program, weeknights at 8 pm.  Why?  Again, if   Donahue is true to form, he'll remind you that you have rights, and one of those rights is to speak up as a citizen.

But I have another reason.  It's because following his show is Chris Matthews' Hardball program.

Now, Chris is an intelligent guy, used to write Carter's speeches.   And, he's an expert at setting up a hot topic by making it sound like he's going to be objective about a subject (say, a criticism of Bush), and then proceed to presenting guest after guest to disprove the hypothesis

Of course, they are all corporate execs, attorneys, stock market brokers, etc.  But, that's propaganda.  Bring up an issue that cynics will get excited about, and then prove it wrong.  Propaganda.

So, after people watch what promises to be an hour of down to earth, "you've got the right to" tv style of Donahue, the stark contrast will be obvious to anyone watching.- the contrast will be the difference between intellectually honest discussion and propaganda.  It'll be glaring.

Of course, Chris will be wise to this, that liberals will be tuning to his show where he'll take advantage of having the last say on the day's issues...  so he'll save the real blatant propaganda for later in the show, after luring you into believing he can be trusted.  That's how it works.  Slip in the half-truths between the lines.  It's subliminal.  And watch how he'll start telling you to exercise your rights, so long as you vote for the Bush agenda.

So watch Phil Donahue, keep him honest, and if the ad revenues for his show rise, I'm okay with that. Cause I'm okay with the truth.  And the incredibly great opportunity to learn the difference between truth and propaganda.

Bravo MSNBC.  This brilliant programming move will be your undoing!

And PS, don't be fooled, Phil Donahue's appearance on that channel is a play of propaganda too... a coup for the programming department to make you think they're not biased.  Don't be fooled.


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