Charles Rehn for President 2012 -

Home of the 2012 Campaign of
Charles Rehn for President
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Movies & Books & TV Shows

Charles Rehn for President 2012 - California Native Son
Native Son

Be A Golden Rule Citizen


I've said for years that there are plenty of writers and "futurists" who tell us where the world is headed, and while we watch it in theaters and on tv, what we don't realize is that they're trying to warn us.

"For the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebearers.

We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations.

We enjoy the comfort of opinions without the discomfort of thought."

Pres. John F. Kennedy, 1962  




TV & TV News/Government Hoaxes

The Electronic Singularity by Ray Kurzweil


Back n 1973, The United States Government at the Stanford Hoover Institute studied psychics to determine how to synthesize ESP/Extra Sensory Perception so that thought and vision could be received and broadcast to the brain like a radio station to a radio receiver.  It was called Project Stargate. People affected would think it was their own thoughts. How it affects you now, your life, health, religion and world.
The Wake of the Plague by Norman Cantor


The fall of the Roman Empire came when the government depleted the treasury with war, law was inspired by bribery and corruption, and the infrastructure deteriorated beyond its ability to sustain the citizens, as famine and plague destroyed them. All parallels to the United States are appropriate.
Taliban by Ahmed Rashid


The real story of the issues of Afghanistan before the war, and the truthful reasons for the "terrorist attacks" of September 11, 2001 as they pertain to Afghanistan's "involvement".
History Will Not Absolve Us  by E. Martin Shotz


A comprehensive look at the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy which easily disproves the public version of the U.S. Warren Commission Report. This book is frequently listed as "out of print".
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast


Find out why Palast, Michael Moore and Ralph Nader agree that Bill Clinton was the best Republican President we've ever had.
Commanding Heights by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw


This book and video series, also found online at PBS Frontline and WGBH Boston, is essential to understanding how what I call World War II I was an economic war, leading to our current world status, mostly unknown to the citizens of the United States, on the verge of global military war.







CNN: Waco: Faith, Fear and Fire Hosted by Drew Griffin
MSNBC: WACO Narrated by Brian Williams
Truth of this story: Waco: The Rules of Engagement on DVD, Link TV

Oklahoma City narrated by Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

Hurricane Katrina hosted by Brian Williams, MSNBC

September 11, 2001 upcoming on 

Other Cover-ups

The 1976 Church Committee co-chaired by Senators Frank Church and Ted Kennedy, claiming to put an end to illegal medical experimentation and other CoIntelPro and intel activities against U.S. Citizens.

Ruby Ridge

Wounded Knee

Victor Cho and the Mass Murders at Virginia Tech


Inception starring Nicholas Cage


Swordfish starring John Travolta


I actually quit watching Mitch Albom on MSNBC because day after day, he wouldn't stop talking about this movie. Now, I consider it something you "must see" to understand how governments and criminals create distractions that the public will believe is about something altogether different.
Simone starring Al Pacino




TV Shows

Stargate SG-1: URGO


The SG-1 Team is plagued with strange urges, food cravings and silly "voices" after having psychotronic implants placed in their brains. Featuring Dom DeLuise.
Start Trek: The Next Generation


Piccard is transported to a fake bridge of the Enterprise where psychotronics is used to torture him. 








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