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Globalization - Countries - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified

HAVANA (AP) -- Cuba will declassify secret government documents about the Cuban missile crisis during an international conference in October marking the 40th anniversary of the event that put the world on the brink of nuclear war.

Vice President Jose Ramon Fernandez, who organized a similar conference last year on the Bay of Pigs invasion, provided no details about the documents in announcing the conference on Thursday.

Entitled ``The Crisis of October: A Political Vision 40 Years Later,'' the Oct. 11-12 conference in Cuba is expected to include people from the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Most Russians associated with the 1962 crisis have died, but several of the late President Kennedy's advisers are living, Fernandez said. He said conference organizers are studying the possibility of taking participants to sites related to the crisis in the Havana area.

The Cuban missile crisis ``was the most dramatic episode of the Cold War,'' said Fernandez.

He said the conference's aim is to shed light on events leading up to the crisis, which peaked when the United States learned there were Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba -- an island just 90 miles from the United States.

Following several tense days of negotiations with Washington, Moscow withdrew the weapons without consulting with Havana -- a move that enraged Fidel Castro's government


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