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Why We Recommend CNN
a commentary by Charles Rehn


I couldn't help but notice that protesters were outside the CNN Studios this weekend protesting CNN's coverage of world events, particularly in the conflict with Iraq

Protesters criticize CNN coverage of Iraq

In a way, I have to agree with the protesters, but not in the negative way they talk about.

Over 2 years ago, I began reading news from around the world, utilizing all of the links I supply on this site.  In a way, this site is a collection of all the best sources I've found. I have a pretty good feel for who's telling the truth, who's biased, as well as broadcasting and advertising experience that helps me to identify spin and bias techniques.

There are many good sources of news.  However, I will give you my personal guarantee that what CNN does is give you the raw information, and in their news formats, free of opinion. I can't help but wonder if  the bias recently exposed by Roger Ailes of FOX TV has something to do with an attempt to damage CNN's credibility in order to make Fox look better.

What probably makes it seem as though they are presenting Bush's side of things at times is because they have an incredible amount of expertise in how countries go about waging war... they've been covering it for many, many years, and they've seen it all.

My personal experience is that CNN consistently provides the greatest amount of accurate information available in an unbiased manner.

And that's why, in a way, I agree with the protesters. Because I watch the news pretty closely.  I see the patterns in what is occurring and taking shape in the world.   And I watch CNN, and they lay out all the information, and provide you with an incredible education... if you're willing to hear it.  They rely on you to piece the stories together, and decide for yourself  what it means.  I wish they were biased, and would just say what they know they can't say, because if they said it, it would no longer be the news, it would be their opinions.

That's the difference between what they do... and what I do on this site.  They lay out the facts, I analyze the patterns and give you my opinions. I connect the dots, little by little, and understand what current events are creating in the world.  And that's part of what I., personally do.

The way I look at it, if you want a pure source of truth, then you want truth that takes no sides.  And the ability to decide for yourself what it means to your life and your world.

I would suggest that, in the case of these particular protesters, who I applaud for taking action they felt compelled to do, I believe that they are looking to CNN for a particular kind of leadership that is normally provided by political leaders.   Leadership they don't see available for their view of the world. And I will agree with them on that part. 

But, in the end, I'll just say that I'm glad that CNN is there, presenting information as the news, and not their version of the news.  And if the news is bad, we have our leaders to blame.


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