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Handbook for Protests,
Demonstrations & Focused Communications
Chapter 1

Conduct & Intent

Non-Violent Verbal and Physical Communication

Conducting a protest - whether in writing, verbally or while marching on the streets - is inherently violent. Disagreement of any sort is threatening.  Therefore, who YOU are being - the way you conduct yourself in the face of confrontation - will more often than not determine the outcome of the situation.

Conducting a non-violent protest does not, however, mean allowing yourself to be dissuaded from achieving your goals or successfully being suppressed.

We are not mounting this political campaign (don't kid yourself, this IS a politcal campaign) to destroy anything.  We are citizens exercising our right to express our opinions, to gather and express ourselves publicly, and to shoulder our constitutional responsibility to return a corrupt government system to full Democracy.

When we have been successful, let it be said that we conducted ourselves in a vigilant, Ghandi-esque manner. Let them criticize us for adopting that phrase.  For that is the very cynicism, lack of faith, and resignation to powers beyond their control that has allowed corruption to flourish.

Let's prove to them that Democracy works. Let's require Democracy to serve us.   It begins with you.

Who's Responsible?

We're not referring to the problems in the world. We're talking about your activities, legal liability and responsibility, criminality and civil disobedience.

This organization never suggests, condones or condemns civil disobedience.  We do condemn violence (under the Patriot Act, violence may get you classified as a terrorist).

If you attend an event, whether organized by this organization or individuals, be clear that you are doing so by choice, and not by our requirement.  You are personally responsible for your behavior, and any minors who may be in your charge.  This does not indicate an abandonment.  This is a clear statement that you should consider your actions. We do not take any responsibility for you financially, for your well being or your conduct.  And you know we had to say that.

In the Viet Nam war protests, my apprehension to join came from witnessing the contradiction of people marching for peace, and doing violence.  Interestingly, that violence was out of the same kind of despair that causes what is now classified as terror. The Minutemen would have been terrorists.  Our most patriotic, revered historical leaders would have been terrorists.  It's all about who's in control, and declaring themselves judge. There is, appropriately, little room for terrorism in today's world.

People are afraid enough to join anything that appears to be non-conformist and in confrontation with authority.  Let our actions show that we are safe, logical, reasonable people with integrity, and with history, fact and law on our side.


The beauty of the "Flower Children" was not only their willingness to take a stand, but the example they set. Donovan's song "Universal Soldier" (first song in music list on home page) is an acknowledgement that there are those doing their jobs who don't know any better. That was the image delivered to the world when  Flower Children gave flowers to the police who surrounded them and attempted to intimidate them into retreat.

The police, and all the people you disagree with and agree with, are your neighbors, your friends, your team mates and fellow citizens. Respect their rights and freedom of speech, and their rightful expectation to be safe from physical harm.

There is a paranoia that accompanies those who particpate in dissidence, and a hysteria on the part of those who do not understand the reasons for the dissidence. Making inflammatory remarks or taking extreme actions only causes polarity.  Most of the time, that is not productive. What is more effective is persistence, tenaciousness, accuracy, understanding and listening.

Making provocative remarks that cause a person to consider and question - in Socratic tradition - is capable of causing transformation.

Your job is to educate people, expose and explain information, stand up for Democracy.

Dispel the paranoia and hysteria by treating the words that come from your mouth with the same care and discretion as you would when considering telling a joke about a bomb while in the line to be screened at the airport.

Taunting and trying to prove your opponents wrong only generates resistance.   Speak of what you believe things should be like, be fair and balanced, show how benefits would positively impact them, cause people to agree with you so they will be willing to engage intellectually... they will find it hard to disagree with justice and equality, and will be able to see that these things are not the same as preference and opinion, but they do allow for it.  That's Democracy.